Forging Solid Men

What Is Our Goal?

Our purpose is Forging Solid Men.

This is our tagline and it is our aim. We want to have a time when men of all shapes and sizes come together to be built up. We want this to be all kinds of men, from all kinds of places and all kinds of churches. We are specifically building men up in how to walk as a man of God.

What's New?

When and Where?

We meet at 7pm every Tuesday of the month. And we have two locations, one in Blacksburg and one in Radford, which will be discussing the same material each week.

However, the first Tuesday of every month is special because we combine both groups and have a big hangout somewhere. BE SURE TO CHECK THE  UPDATES PAGE FOR THE MOST RECENT UPDATES ABOUT HANGOUTS, CANCELLATIONS, OR VENUE CHANGES.